
SCEE has come through for us this week. PixelJunk Eden is here, in the form of both a demo and the full game. There's also a demo of Echochrome Micro for PSP owners, a smattering of game videos and the next episode of Movement. But really, that's all secondary to Eden and the glittering trophies contained within. At £4.99 (an almost direct translation from the US price of $9.99) it's a bargain. Here's the full release list:

Playable content

PixelJunk Eden full game (£4.99/€7.99)
PixelJunk Eden demo (free)
Echochrome Micro demo for PSP (free)

E3 2008 PSP compilation
Prince of Persia E3 gameplay trailer
The Last Guy trailer
Movement episode 3 part 1 "Milan" (5 videos)

Themes and Wallpapers
Bionic Commando Rearmed wallpaper


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