
Following its major announcement of Final Fantasy 13 for Xbox 360 at Microsoft's press conference, Square Enix held a press conference to field questions about the announcement. One of the interesting points made was that development of the Xbox 360 version of the game won't begin until the PS3 version has been completed.
"We're ready to start developing FF13 for 360," said Square Enix's Shinji Hashimoto. "First, we will complete the game for PS3 in Japan, then begin localization for America and Europe while developing the 360 version simultaneously. The PS3 and 360 versions will be released at the same time outside of Japan -- although, due to language and other conditions, the game may not be released simultaneously across territories."

This clarifies the announcement from Square Enix earlier today; Final Fantasy 13 will be available simultaneously with the PS3 in North America and Europe, even though their release dates may not be the same.

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