
Boooooring! Oh well, you can't win them all. This week's Euro PSN update isn't particularly exciting. It's been a wee while since we've had as few as five items on the release list, but at least we're still kepy busy with PixelJunk Eden and all the other trophy-enabled games. Having said that, we'll definitely take the time to download the new Dead Space trailer. That game looks awesome. Here's the full release list:

Playable Content
Secret Agent Clank demo for PSP (free)

Add-on Content
Civilization Revolution "The Mythic" Wonders and Artefact pack (£0.69/€0.99)
Guitar Hero III "Interscope" Track pack (£3.99/€5.99)


Dead Space "Loved Ones" trailer
Movement Episode 3, part 2 "Milan" (8 videos)

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