
If you're not a Qore subscriber, you may wish to drop the relatively small amount of cash for an annual subscription. Otherwise, it seems you'll keep missing out on special stuff like this.

First, those who purchased Qore episode three were given special treatment when it came to the Resistance 2 beta (at least, that's what should happen in the very near future), and now, more special treatment for Qore members. According to DarkZero, Sony plans to release a playable demo for the highly anticipated MotorStorm: Pacific Rift with the next Qore episode on the PlayStation Network. You'll get to play it "a month before anyone else," because while the demo is coming to the PlayStation Store for everyone to try, it won't arrive until one week before the launch of the game...and that's not until the first of October. The fourth episode of Qore, on the other hand, is set for the first week of September. Well, at least, we assume that's when it will drop; the first three Qore episodes came on the first Thursday of every month, so that would put episode four on September 4.

Many are anxiously awaiting the sequel to one of the PS3's best early titles, and in doing the research, we've learned MotorStorm: Pacific Rift should be bigger and better in every possible way.


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